Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Soda Level 365

candy soda crush level 365

Candy Crush  Soda Level 365 Tips


  • Spread the jam everywhere
  • You have only 40 moves.
  • 72 Jam

Level 365 guide and cheats:

This level has medium difficulty. For this level try to combine purple candies from top part of the board to get four special candies to break the blockers and spread the Jam. Or play near to Jam to spread it to near candies.

Candy Crush soda Level 365Walkthrough Video

29 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Soda Level 365

  1. challenging!

  2. I’ve been playing this game for 3 months and I still don’t understand how it works. I’ve gone through half the moves and not had one jam. How do you get jams and how do you move them from top to bottom? I haven’t even come close

  3. Idk I’m trying to figure that outv

  4. Medium difficulty,ha haaaaa.Not even one single jelly.

  5. So gow do you spread jam on the top? Understand how to get the jam on the bottom but how do you even start the jam in the top????? Played this hundreds of times & still don’t get it!! Bb

  6. ****how. Not gow

  7. I don’t know why you call them ‘walkthrough videos’. You need to slow down and explain why the play is made. I have covered the bottom in jam, with no jam in the top part. Impossible, frustrating, and confusing level. Don’t understand at all!!


  8. You have to ‘spread ‘ the jam, so use a fish, stripe, wrapper, bomb etc whilst inside the jam that you have uncovered from the bottom, to the top half.
    Only problem is its bloody hard lol my highest is 70 jam and still cant do it!

  9. Dawn Woodruff // November 8, 2017 at 3:13 am // Reply

    Can I just skip this level? I’ve been doing it for a while and I’m about to lose interest in this game. This level ridiculous!!!

  10. 40 moves? Did they take away 2? Cuz mine starts with 38, hard level I don’t get it, stupid licorice get in the way.

  11. Dineisha Sparks // December 12, 2017 at 2:12 am // Reply

    I don’t appreciate how difficult this level is STOP MAKING IMPOSSIBLE LEVELS FOR PEOPLE WHO REALLY ENJOYS THE GAME it makes a person lose interest. This level starts me with 38 moves and every time i try To view an example, it only shows web version AND they always have more moves then me. NOT COOL

  12. You’re playing against a computer with infinite computational skills in a for-profit game. You will “win” when the app LETS you! That’s why these ‘walk through’ blogs are a useless joke. These apps are a sick-programmers dream! They get hard knowing they’ve created a game that allows them to finally feel superior to others. My advice – never EVER spend a GD dime on these asinine apps and teach the programmers a lesson especially when they intentionally program levels to be so impossible. Again, YOU WILL BEAT A LEVEL WHEN THEY LET YOU AND NO SOONER!

  13. Stop making the honey so hard to break. Having to hit them at least five times is very hard

    • partly agree but i have been stuck no longer than a week on some levels but i cant believe ppl have been stuck on a level for 3 mths i would prefer non stop play not 3 lives and out for however long the timer is set for

  14. A v. Hard level. I think that they want me to spend money to get though it.
    Anyway what happened to sprinkle shell?

  15. total nonsense like the rest of the comments i have blasted the middle section with four in a row purple jellies and that takes up to 20 moves and to get the top section purple you need specials down below the closest i have got is 8 left but all other times i dont even get close and ppl start to get bored even if you had 15 extra moves it would still be hard and they have marked this as medium difficulty and why do all videos seem to get the right moves again this is so false

  16. Suzanne Mongan // April 9, 2018 at 7:19 pm // Reply

    Ok, I really hate this level. I can get the jam on the top part of the screen, but not on the bottom part. Seems like I’ve been playing this level forever, and I just can’t seem to get it. I wish you would make this a little easier to do.

  17. I’m about to delete this game. Medium difficulty…..hahahaa. NOT.

  18. This level is very hard, it takes all the moves to get jam at the bottom with none at the top, only once have I had any jam at the top as well, also how do you get the gift boxes, I have never had a gift box with free hours in all 365 levels, this game is full of gliches I think I will have to pack it in.

  19. Lynda Pussell // July 21, 2018 at 11:17 pm // Reply

    Keep your purples on top box, make groups of 4 to get 4 fish swimming to bottom box. Keep making downwards striped and fish. Once you get one jelly in top box, I don’t know how I did it that’s when you can use your 4 & 5 purple groups to make the whole top box and most of bottom box purple. A 100’s & 1000’s purple candy with 5 purple candles should wipe out everything and if you have boosters left you can wipe out remaining. It’s true, after awhile tKing will pass you. It’s like they are big brother and see Yourve been going at it a long time. I pray and normally that gets me through a hard level 😇

  20. Gaaaaaaa! This level BITES!😳

  21. Rose Christopher // September 1, 2018 at 2:39 pm // Reply

    This is the game that is going to make me quite playing. This is impossible, I WILL not buy.

  22. This is the most aggravating level I’ve played. I’ve had them all but one before. I’m about to give up. Enjoyed the game while it lasted.

  23. Barbara Click // October 13, 2018 at 1:02 am // Reply

    Never get the jam up to the top level. How????
    getting frustrated, ready to quit this. No fun at all.

  24. Still noone has post how to get it started on lower level!! Alot of complaints but no help..Did everyone give up on this level???

  25. ok I figured it out..In order to spread jelly on bottom you have to get something o the top that can get the jelly started below. once it gets started it went quickly because of the purple.. So as quickly as u can use a special candy that has to go below to spread… the fish works even….

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