How To Play Farm Heroes Saga Tips

collect strawberry L shape

Farm Heroes Saga is another addicted puzzle game developed by king. Its available in Facebook, Android, IOS and in windows . If you already have game now and installed in your gadget then read below tips and guide.

How To Play Farm Heroes

To pass farm hero saga levels, you will have different type of crop/cropsies that you will need to combine same type of crops with each other. You will need to combine three same corps to collect them. If you will combine more than three, like four or five then it will collect in multiple times. You will have seeds like grass that will be explain below. If you combine same seed than these will help to break the ice and other elements in farm and eventually will make you easy to collect crops. You can collect elements by combining in same in different shapes check below images.

collect strawberry L shape collect onion collect Chicken collect Chicken Chick collect carrot collect carrot in plus collect water drop collect Apple

Some blockers that you need to break


Farm Heroes Saga Tips

To pass these farm heroes level easily, then try to combine more than three crops with each other. Play more from bottom to shuffle the crops and other seed to get more chance to collect the crops. Combine water and other seed that will increase the crops score and if you will collect these crops will increase collection multiple time.

You will get blockers like spider web, ice and other. Try to play near to spider and web so they wont able to block more crops that will make hard to collect them.

Farm Heroes Saga Boosters

Egg Crusher

Egg Cracker Booster

To collect egg you need to combine three times and if you use this booster then you will need to collect just 2 time to get the chicken.


Turbo Tractor Booster 1

To get this booster you will need to have or purchase 7 gold bar. This booster will collect three lines of crops and will help to pass this game much easily.


Tractor Booster

If you like to collect whole row of crops then you can by this booster with 12 gold bar.

Super Fruit

Super FruitSuper Fruit Booster 1

This booster will help to collect all near elements like crops, seeds, blockers and this will require atleast 15 gold bars.

Magic shovel

Shovel Booster 1

Magic shovel need 250 magic bean if you buy before start of the level. After you will need to purchases it with gold bars. This will help to crack the eggs, ice cream, move chicken and many other things like seeds.

Color collector

Color Collector Booster

This booster need 19 gold bar. you will get this booster after unlocking some levels. This will help to remove same color crops.

Clean up booster

Clean Up Booster 1

If you get grumpy man crops then you can use it to change these crops to normal/regular crops.

Bonus reward

Bonus Rewarder Booster

To get this booster you will need to have 18 gold bar. This booster will increase the collection number or all elements that you will need to collect. Like if you have to collect strawberry, then after collecting you will get 2 in score instead of 1.

Amelia Airdrop

Amelias Airdrop Booster 1

You can get this booster with 9 gold bar. These will drop crops an will increase the crops that you will need to collect.

Extra Move Booster

5 Extra Moves Booster3 Extra Moves Booster2 Extra Moves

You can buy these booster to increase the move and will extra moves you can collect more crops and elements to pass the levels.


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