Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 3327

Candy Crush Level 3327 Tips


  • Collect all the orders and reach 10,000 points to complete the level.
  • You have only 17 Moves.
  • Order = 60 Icing Block
  • Order = 15 Yellow Candy
  • 4 ingredients

Level 3327 guide and cheats:

This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play near to icing blockers and make special candy. Combine them with each other or play near to yellow candies to break them all.

Candy Crush Level 3327 Walkthrough Video

27 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 3327

  1. Waarom weer minder zetten dan het voorbeeld, tijd om er mee te stoppen als het telkens zo gaat

  2. This is impossible there are not enough moves and too many blockers falling please help

  3. You actually need to get 25 yellow pieces in the game.

  4. Have 25 yellow not 15!!!! Would appreciate your help.Merci Beaucoup .

  5. Is it possible to collect 25 yellow in 22 moves? Would appreciate your help. Merci!

  6. Can’t be done. Need more moves or less yellow.

  7. Impossible.

  8. This unfair level is just as bogus as the one before this.

  9. Need more moves, less yellow to be collected and a very very very lucky board. CC, u have the ability to fix these unfair levels quickly, why does it take so long to do so?

  10. This is impossible. Please fix.

  11. Linds Cordes // August 21, 2018 at 8:32 pm // Reply

    I have 24 moves to get 25 yellow not 15 yellow Another example of king dumping on their players and sticking hard and super hard levels one right after the other although they have jacked with this levels and rigged almost all to lose that even the ones not labeled hard are hard Pretty sickening example of greed on their part

  12. paula lorentz // October 1, 2018 at 1:02 pm // Reply

    I only have 22 moves. Can’t get close to getting 50 yellow. Please help.

  13. Philip Jablonski // June 29, 2019 at 1:52 am // Reply

    Another BS level! I think it’s impossible to get 25 yellow with only 22 moves and having to fight blockers, spawner, and asinine mystery cells that do more harm than good.

  14. ? guess I’ve gotta try?

  15. kamala dwrampudi // July 30, 2019 at 9:06 am // Reply

    King please help in completing level 3327 I am unable to complete please help

  16. Yeah another one that is not at all like yours!why?? Please help need as many moves and less yellow PLEASE help thank you

  17. I have been playing now for quite a few years but I am convinced that the makers want us to quit this game and to move on to another money making game. This level is impossible. And in the last 30 levels there we quite a few like this one.
    Time to stop playing.
    You have to stop once, right?

  18. Have 22 moves and 25 yellow to clear, why so much discrepancies pls help thank u

  19. Help pls cannot clear 25 yellows on 22 moves.

  20. Pls help, have 25 yellow to clear. Guess I need lucky board.Thanks

  21. Please help!

  22. Need a lucky board can’t do this can’t get yellow way to many. Help

  23. The fun is fast disappearing from this game. Struggle and struggle and finally get a level and get a worse one.

  24. Julie Irish // May 10, 2021 at 10:42 pm // Reply

    The last level was a nightmare until you gave more moves, and this level is even worse. I just don’t get why your boards are different and you can’t be honest about it. Very quickly becoming too frustrating to play. Fix please or I am done.

  25. Julie Irish // May 10, 2021 at 11:32 pm // Reply

    Complaining again! How are you suppose to get 25 yellow candies and 50 blockers in 22 moves. Also wondering why my posts never show up, am I being censored? Is it Mom or Big Brother?

  26. Please help!! This level is not possible for me!!!

  27. Has anyone beat this level i dont think so it is stupid idiot i am fixing to leave candy crush move on to better games

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