Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 2041

Candy Crush Level 2041 Tips


  • Bring dawn all ingredients and reach 60,000 points to complete the level
  • You have only 14 moves.
  • 6 Ingredients

Level 2041 guide and cheats:

This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play from middle part of the board and make special candy as you get the chance. Combine striped candy with other special candy to break the blockers that are in corner part of the board.

Candy Crush Level 2041 Walkthrough Video

10 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 2041

  1. Thanks CC another crappy level!! Have come close a couple times, but can’t get last ingredient to drop fast enough, and if you use extra moves with special candies, only seems to be worse. Try to save swap hands, you’ll have a chance


  3. Please mom could you please help me with this level…Just cannot get it and tried every way for days. Would appreciate it.Thanks!

  4. Please mom could you please help me with this level…Just cannot get it and tried every way for days

  5. Thanks!

  6. 2041 completed! 6 boards! Wrapped + striped, use lower left belt 2 drop ingredients.

  7. Really frustrating level! Took about 25 tries and coming so close with 1 ingredient remaining in so many levels!! Trick is to break blockers on top and use striped candies near the dropper at the starting to allow ingredients to drop faster.

  8. When I get close to passing this level with 5 moves left, the screen goes white, game is over !

  9. Droppers are glitching and not dropping items early enough to allow belts to move them to the right. Sometimes the droppers don’t drop anything and leave me with blank spaces below them. This needs fixing.

  10. Yay it worked! Working in the middle of the board is the way to do it. It causes the last candy to be dropped sooner, rather than with only 2 moves left.

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