Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 1945
Candy Crush Level 1945 Tips
- Clear all 63 jellies, bring dawn all ingredients and reach 375,000 points to complete the level.
- You have only 40 moves.
- 10 Ingredients
Level 1945 guide and cheats:
This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play from bottom part of the board and make striped candy. Combine striped candies with each other or try to break cake as soon as possible. Play near to ingredients to move them and to take them out from the board. Or watch video to get more help.
I can’t see any way of doing this level without using 2 hand boosters. I have removed the cakes and the jelly several times but there are always 2 ingredients get stuck and no way of moving them that I can fathom other than using two hand boosters
Agreed – I have cleared everything multiple times. Once I got it down to 1 ingredient buried. If there is a way to do it without a Booster, I would love to see it.
I have gotten all ingredients but can’t get jellies grrrr always leaving 4 or 5
This level is impossible without booster. What the heck. No fun. I do not have any boosters and I am not buying any.
Id like to think this is just an error on kings part…… Don’t think so….. I used handswitches earned from sugar drop . Someone having a bad day when this level was devised. Very unfair !
I am done with CC. It has become more annoying than fun. They are making the levels too hard, and now mandatory purchasing of boosters to move forward? That’s like bribery. No, thank you. There are too many other fun games out there to be held for ransom. Shame on you, King.
I am getting only 28 moves. With 40 moves it is not difficult. There is discrimination. They reduce moves as per their will.
This level is a JOKE. There should never be a level that is literally IMPOSSIBLE to win without a booster…let alone two boosters (red hands). Once ingredients get stuck in that little cubby, I just quit the game. Waste of my time
Same here!
Upping difficulty CC making $$$ trying to get players to purchase helps! PLUS the notices as you open game: Relax…and play. LOL NOTHING relaxing about playing!
the rats have now made it a new game witrh just 15 moves to get rid of 100 squares,3 fruits and blockers..they can shove deleting their patheitc games
es una pena, cada vez este juego se vuelve más deprimente, ya no me gusta nada, yo no puedo comprar boosters, y no tengo hands entonces? debo abandonar el juego? me parece muy injusto esto, si no quieren que juguemos más solamente denlo por terminado y listo.
Disculpen pero yo me retiro de este juego, iré a otros más entretenidos y no tan traumatizante
it is not fair that this level is made in a way that you have to buy boosters. levels should be made to be done by ability and the buying of boosters should be an option.
I’ve played this level so many times now and have tried different strategies and have come to the conclusion that it can NOT be cleared without a MINIMUM of 2 hand switch boosters. This is very unfortunate and I seriously hope that the future levels of CC are not going to be “Booster” based levels!! I love playing and will continue to play unless I keep running into this issue. I’m hoping this was just a faulty error that got overlooked in the design of this level
Is it possible to combine a color bomb with a striped candy, so the wrapped candy change into a striped candy, and the licorice will fall in the gap?
Not succeed yet.
It is impossible to solve without the booster. And after passing 1944 levels without buying, you have to be positive that I will not buy any now.?????
candy crush should end its journey now because now new levels are just to earn money by the owners.
King has so many other games now that they don’t care if you quit playing CC. Now it’s if you want to play you will have to pay.
e’ arrivato il momento di abbandonare candy crush….se superare il livello significa dover pagare non ha più senso questo gioco, perché non dipende più dalle abilità del singolo giocatore!
Non è un livello difficile…anzi fin troppo facile…se paghi la tangente per passare però!
I have cleared the cakes, but at least one ingredient is purposely made to fall into a space left of the cake. Without a hand, it cannot be moved. I have never bought boosters and I’m not starting now!! Candy Crush, FIX the problem!! I don’t like when developers purposely design levels that cannot be passed without spending money.
I agree with the other comments. Why create a level that cannot be passed without boosters? Boosters were created to be “boosters”. Something to enhance play if you’re struggling, not required, let alone multiple in 1 level. Very disappointed in development
I just did it without a booster. No idea how or why but I will take it!
they just fall down now!
Impossible been on it now for 4 days and getting nowhere sick of it
This level is supposed to give you 40 moves. I am only allowed 28. Could probably beat it if I had the 40 moves. Why is mine different?
1945 completed! 2nd board! Keep on top of bombs.
Same here. 28 moves
Sorry, above comment is 4 1947!!!
1945 completed! 2nd board! Open locks, break cakewheels.
Have only 28 moves,but with a good board,we can do it.THANKS AGAIN!!!!!
1945 done ✅
Are you kidding King? There is 28 not 40 moves !
only 28 moves
Absolutely hate, hate this level!!! With only 28 moves this one is impossible not to mention night marishling HARD!!! PLEASE give me a break. Been on this one way to long and disgusted as well!!
Grrrrr. Help!!! Playing on my iPad with no luck at all.
I don’t have 40 moves only 29 finding it nigh impossible PLEASE PLEASE HELP. THANKYOU
I don’t have enough moves sraresci should have 40 but I only have 29 please help been on this level for ages. THANKYOU
I only have 28 moves not 40 been playing for weeks and finding it impossible. PLEASE PLEASE HELP. THANKYOU.
I am finding this IMPOSSIBLE. Only 29 moves been on it for weeks and have to remove 126 jellies. PLEASE PLEASE help as it is making me very very frustrated. THANKYOU
I only have 15 moves!!!!!! If people can’t do this with 29 then no point in even trying to progress with just 15 and impossible without he ing to use too many boosters – bye bye candy crush – it was good to this point, but no more!!!!!!!!!
My level says clear 110 jellies and 2cherries in 15 moves impossible your level says 63 jellies and 10 ingredients for 40 moves what’s going on cc is getting ridiculous I will not buy any boosters getting discustrd
You keep saying I already said my comment I didn’t this is a new issue cc needs to get there act together so unfair for players I love playing but am getting disgusted constantly cheating out of moves to this level says 40 moves to clear 63 jellies and 10 ingredients my level says clear 110 jellies and 2cherries big difference and impossible todo