Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 1850

candy crush level 1850

Candy Crush Level 1850 Tips


  • Get the 50,000 points in 30 Seconds

Level 1850 guide and cheats:

This level has medium difficulty. For this level try to play more from bottom to shuffle the candies as it will help to break more blockers. Try to make special candy and use with normal candy to save the time.

Candy Crush Level 1850 Walkthrough Video

26 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 1850

  1. Since the last episode, games get killed if there is still no move after one shuffle. Don’t forget, the player does not ask for the board to be shuffled whichis at the total discretion of King. Does it mean that King can freely and easily end our game now? If you don’t think people have not disliked Candy Crush that much yet and want to expedite the drop-out ratio, I can loudly tell you that you got it!

    • I have been able to solve some pretty hard levels, but not this one. It has taken the fun out of candy crush for me. After a week of trying, I’m done! Will go back to creating gretting cards.

    • Do you think it’s a game of skill? Duuuh it’s a game of chance, the only time you get a chance is when you don’t have timed movement and can use some of your candy pops to get they a game, otherwise dear friends it’s the discretion of King

  2. It says the target is 50,000 points BUT it is really 75,000 points and is extremely difficult?

  3. I need boards on my phone and iPads im stuck on 1850 please help I can only play it on my computer thanks.

  4. Cecelia Ridgeway // July 25, 2016 at 10:28 pm // Reply

    I need more boards on my phone and iPads please I can only play on my lap top or home computer thanks.

  5. Maureen Clar // July 26, 2016 at 10:41 pm // Reply

    Time wasted shuffling. Can’t even get close. Get a grip King. Why is there a delay going on to next games again. If next games are not up . I’m done. Enough ttime n money wasted on this game, suit yourself cc. .

  6. This level is hell. Mystery candy was chocolate… boosters caused me to loose color bomb…score was never even close to goal. King you have outdone yourself with this horriffic level!!!

  7. Medium difficulty – no way. More like medium impossible! If it shuffles once you are lost. Not fun. Will give it up for a while

  8. 1850 completed! Used 2 hours of 6 hour free play! Seems like my s6 gets better boards.

  9. This level is impossible. Time to delete this game forever

  10. Same issues as many of the comments above. Can not even get close to passing this level. I’ve cleared all the frozen time bonuses several times, and have gotten more to drop down. Longest game was probably close to 3 minutes of play time with a score of 31,000. I’ve had tough levels before, but I agree with many … this level is close to impossible. (Impossible so far)

  11. 1850 took about 20 attempts to complete .

  12. Another impossible level ! I cannot even get 20k with all the shuffling !! Please help !!

  13. 5days now on this level and nowhere close !!!!

  14. Betty Richardson // January 27, 2017 at 2:00 pm // Reply

    Impossible level with that many points and only 30 seconds! About ready to give up on CC

  15. Carlos hernandez // March 14, 2017 at 2:43 pm // Reply

    Took me about 30/40 tries. It not a lot harder than the other HARD levels. You don’t get close and then all of a sudden you get a good board. Like some of the other hard/timed levels if you can leave the chocolate ball unused to the end you get more ponts

  16. Carlos hernandez // March 14, 2017 at 2:46 pm // Reply

    Don’t threaten to leave and cry about it… laughing.. if you got to level 1850, chances are you aren’t going to quit

  17. Mom help me please-not even getting close

  18. Sandra K. Cole // May 31, 2017 at 12:31 am // Reply

    I can relate to a lot of the comments above, particularly the comment about the reset shuffle after a move seems really slow, which eats up time…which there is little of. I cannot comment on whether the goal is really 75,000 in lieu of 50,000 because I haven’t come nearly close to that. The candy crush play also ends VERY abruptly…not collecting many points. I play on a Kindlefire.

  19. I HATE this level!!!!! Impossible to beat. I’m ready to give up.
    Please help!!!!

  20. mirtha breslin // August 18, 2017 at 12:03 pm // Reply

    I’m going to keep trying until i win. That’s the game. Don
    Im sure i’ll do 50k plus sometime in 2017. ?

  21. Another timed game, with not enough time. This old lady wants a challenge, not one physically impossible. Am learning to hate all games timed. Have pity on us old folks. PLEASE!

  22. Vickey Stallans // February 12, 2018 at 9:55 pm // Reply

    This Level Is Just Horrible! Not Fun to Play@’All’, Especially When You Know You’re Playin It For AbSolutely Nothhiin! I’ve Been Playin Nothin But CC Since May 2011. Bern Doin Pretty Good, Passed Some Hard Ones to Get This Far! But This Level Is Ridiculous And Most Definitely DeStroyin My Will to Continue. 🙁

  23. Timed games seem to be my downfall. This one got the best of me. I am looking for a better game and game company

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