Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 16040
Candy Crush Level 16040 Tips
- Collect all the orders, bring dawn all ingredients reach 20,500 points to complete the level.
- You have only 27 Moves.
- Order = 102 Multilayered Icing
- 1 ingredients
Level 16040 guide and cheats:
This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play near to frosting blockers and from bottom to shuffle the candies. Play with more striped candy and combine striped candy with other special candy to break more blockers and to move the ingredients.
Momma the example has loads of help but I can’t come close . I certainly tried but to no an avail, please give me a lucky board as I appreciate it tons and tons. Thanks
Momma I am so grateful
16041 candy crush walk through
Need lucky board as I can see no way of doing this without boosters I just need this one to win the race don’t want to be stuck here for a week!
Please help