Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 14908

Candy Crush Level 14908 Tips


  • Clear all 160 jellies, bring dawn all ingredients and reach 110,000 points to complete the level.
  • You have only 35 Moves.
  • 3 ingredients

Level 14908 guide and cheats:

This level has medium difficulty. For this level try to play near to blockers and from bottom to shuffle the candies. Play near to ingredients and use more striped candy to break the corner blockers.

Candy Crush Level 14908 Walkthrough Video

11 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 14908

  1. I don’t have 35 moves! Posting for a lucky board! Thanks!

  2. Need more moves or a very lucky board please

  3. Help please ! Posting for a lucky board. Thank you !

  4. Momma need your expertise and I surly appreciate all you do. Thanks a million

  5. Momma I need support from you and team to pass this level can’t get moves to get to bottom because you make me move on top too long than game is over. Please please please help Appreciate all you’ve done for me thanks

  6. Momma please give me extra moves to pass level thanks a million

  7. Momma I. Need to unwhine and relax I am so frustrated doing same thing over and over. I’ll be on this level until the cows come home if you don’t intervene. Please please help thanks a million mom.

  8. Momma I finally got help and went down to 5 left but you didn’t help me and game was over. Would you kindly help I am stuck here and only you can give me a pass. Please

  9. Momma why is it you won’t help I had 7 left with no extra moves after. If I did anything to hurt you please forgive me and let me move on please. Thanks so much

  10. I give up!🤦‍♀️ Cant even get to the bottom level. PLS HELP! so I can move on. TQ

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