Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 11426
Candy Crush Level 11426 Tips
- Collect all the orders and Clear all 164 jellies reach 100,000 points to complete the level.
- You have only 34 Moves.
- Order = 202 Toffee Swirl
Level 11426 guide and cheats:
This level has medium difficulty. For this level try to play from middle and from where more candies are available to play. Play with wrapped candy and use more striped candy to break them all.
Hard level!! Need a lucky board!!
I’ve watched all the videos and still can’t figure how to break the side bars
Not sure why it’s classified Medium difficulty, when clearly should state hard!
Lucky board please
I do think it’s most unfair when you continually use supposedly stored treat over & over again. I, as a ‘normal player, can’t store more than one or two treats – & not for long – while you have an inordinate amount like 99 of each! This is just NOT fair play.
Hello this level is impossible, use have more moves & 3 saucers, hammer’s to make it, please help with this level, please, thank you
Hello this level is ridiculous, use have 38 moves plus many boosters & use still had a hard time to make it, please fix this please, getting pretty tired of this level’s like this, please fix this, thank you
Hello still waiting for you to fix this level, very frustrating & impossible to make, please help with this level, thank you
Hello I’m waiting for you to help with this level, impossible, l like to see you make it with no booster, really, please help. Thanks
Level is niet te halen heel moeilijk !
Help help help !!!
This level is one of the best hardest I’ve ever played. I used gold bars for extra moves. Made no difference. You could not get those blockers!i had 75 extra at one time. Still couldn’t. The fish helps a lot. Got to get them early!
This is a very difficult board! Need a lucky board plus some help please!
Difficult level Very frustrating I play to relax????
I think this level is absolutely ridiculous!! I don’t know the number of times I have played it but it is a lot! I’m just about ready to quit the whole thing!
I’ve been playing this level for 2 weeks with no luck, Please fix this level or I’m going to quit playing