Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Jelly Level 703

Candy Crush Jelly Level 703 Tips


  • Find the Pufflers.
  • You have only 20 moves.
  • 5 Pufflers

Jelly Level 703 guide and cheats:

This level has medium difficulty. For this level try to play from bottom part of the board and make special candy. Combine special candies with each other to break more blocker and make special candy as you get the chance. Combine them with each other to break more blockers or play near to blockers to break them.

Candy Crush Jelly Level 703 Walkthrough Video

25 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Jelly Level 703

  1. Allana copland // February 14, 2017 at 3:44 pm // Reply

    I only have 3 moves in this level..why?

  2. Bjr je n.est droit que à 3 déplacement d.apres que je vois c impossible un soucis…Est la plus haut je constate en 33 déplacement vérifiée ceux niveau svp..merci

  3. Ps…Le niveau 703

  4. Ps…Le niveau 703 droit que 3 déplacement impossible..Alors que sur présentation sur Google je peux entre 33 déplacement à vérifier ceux niveau svp.merci

  5. Only 3 moves to beat. Impossible. A glitch?

  6. Como fazer? Eu só tenho 3 movimentos

  7. Impossível jogar com 3 movimentos. Que erro absurdo é este?

  8. ios player and only have 3 moves fix the glitch King

  9. Me too! Only three (3) moves on Ipad ios 10. Come on King, get an update out quick or we will all stop playing. This is impossible in three moves.

  10. Only 3 moves to complete this level? Really?? Come on, get it together and get this glitch fix ASAP!

  11. Only 3 moves?!!!!!!!! Its impossible

  12. Same here….only 3 moves. It’s impossible

  13. I have only 3!!

  14. 3 moves?! BS! Won’t be playing until this is fixed. May just delete the app for a while.

  15. What are you trying to pull ??
    Not cool !!!!!!

  16. David Townsend // February 20, 2017 at 4:29 am // Reply

    Total BS!! 3 MOVES REALLY???

  17. What’s with the 3 moves. Impossible to pass.

  18. Fix 703 of candy crush jelly please asap … my favorite game

  19. Only 3 moves thats impossible

  20. Bonjour
    Au lieu d’avoir 33 déplacements, j’en ai seulement 3.
    Merci de bien vouloir modifier le programme pour que je puisse continuer à jouer.

  21. 3 déplacement Only level703

  22. Only have 3 moves!

  23. solosignorita // March 1, 2017 at 1:24 am // Reply

    Only 3 moves!!! 5 pufflerss!!! insane…

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