Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Jelly Level 331
Candy Crush Jelly Level 331 Tips
- Collect Monklings [boss Level]
- You have only 30 moves.
- 3 Monklings
Jelly Level 331 guide and cheats:
This level has medium difficulty. For this level try to play more from bottom part of the board to shuffle the candies. Make special candy as you get the chance. Combine them with each other to shuffle more candies or play near to orange border to get chance to collect the Monklings.
Its not 30 moves, it is only 25.
What I don’t get is why when my Monklings thing is full and i capture more orange no monklings come down.
I was wondering the same thing about the orange captures not triggering monklings. I think I’ve figured out it has to do with that “sugar glaze” (I don’t know what to call it) that locks some of the cells. You have to clear the glaze in the monkling generator box (2nd row, 2nd column from top left) before monklings can generate there.
Since HTML5 ALL levels have been redone. 25 moves. 6 colors of candy. You can collect 300k orange candies but until you BREAK the seal covering the ORANGE MONKLING BOX you will accomplish squat.
There’s only 12 moves now. Seems imposible to beat.