Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Jelly Level 248
Candy Crush Jelly Level 248 Tips
- Collect 3 Monklings
- You have only 40 moves.
Jelly Level 248 guide and cheats:
This level has medium difficulty. For this level try to play more from bottom part of the board to shuffle the candies. Make special candy as you get the chance and combine them with other special candy to break the candies and orange candies could break under orange borders that could help to collect Monklings.
I don’t know what level you are talking about. Level 248 has 5 monklings.
248 has 5 Monklings now and not 3…just FYI.
No wonder you can’t win… there are 5 Monklings!!
No wonder you can’t win… there are 5 Monklings!!
this is now considered a super hard level with 5 Monklings. 3 seems easy when doing this one!
I have 5 also and none of these links give any help or answers on bring 5 down
Please help to solve it
Hard an no gifts to help 248
To stop playing this game is better cos it made me nervous
I have five also. I can’t get through it. I can get three before moving screen down then can get two more but run outta moves before getting down screen. Anybody know how to beat this?
How to bring down 5 monkelingsin 248 in jello crush