Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Jelly Level 231
Candy Crush Jelly Level 231 Tips
- Collect 4 Monklings[boss Level]
- You have only 20 moves.
Jelly Level 231 guide and cheats:
This level has medium difficulty. For this level try to play more from where more same color candies are available to play and make special candy. Combine special candies with each other or play near to orange borders and break orange candies to get more Monklings.
Its’ five monklings now. And it’s rigged in favor of the opponent. His monkling meter or whatever it’s called fills up with just three blue candies. It takes twice as much to fill up the orange one. This level seems impossible to win because it is so out of balance.
I know right Nomatter what the strategy some how he had one move and he had 4 blues filled what the heck whatever this is they are cheating Its a low down dirty shame
I agree. Only 3 blues to fill up Larrys meter. What’s up with that? Bad enough we have those black springs to break through first. I can see making levels hard, but when you add an opponent, at least make things fair on each end.
This level is so out of whack, it’s a joke. I am embarrassed for the designer
This levels a down an out con,when you block him from getting the blues, he still manages it somehow.
I agree. 3 blues for him. So unfair
I agree with everyone. Also they don’t give a lot of orange candy for us to get anywhere.
Yes this level sucks. Is it a glitch on the part of the game maker? I’m ready to move to another game. What’s with the black blocks? And taking longer to fill the orange bubble? At one point the bad guy had 8 bubbles and I had 1. Duh.
There are always at least twice as many blues than Orange on the board. Impossible to win. I never use boosters, but I’m close.
I totally agree. It’s fixed!
Stuck on this level now and it’s bul****. It should be even. Instead we have all the black blocks to break, plus more that fall later. And then his blue fills up fast while the Orange takes forever. Yet there are no orange to get. I’m about to quit this game. If it’s not fair, it’s not worth playing.
Me too. Quitting this game. It’s so unfair. You will not win in this level. They should make this better. Be fair.
Yes I hate this level. The blue gets filled up with just 3 and orange is like I need 6 to 8.
On top of that I need to break all the black boxes blocking my path. So unfair seeing blue getting more than 5 monklings when I’m struggling just to make 2. Going to stop playing this game coz it’s pure disadvantage to the player at this level.
king need to alter this level or suffer the consequences of people leaving the game..its a con to get your money out of you..
I agree with everybody. I feel it’s a disadvantage for the player. Why does only the player get the black boxes? No wonder he wins everyone. He doesn’t have to destroy them. And why do the monkeys come sooooo sloooww!!! I’m going to another game!! I’m n mot playing this stupid game. ShMe on the designer of this game!!!!!!
In addition to it taking only 3 blue candies for Larry to get a monkey, I’ve also noticed that I can use the color bomb to get all the blues and it ends up giving a monkey to Larry. Not liking this level at all
I agree, this level is rigged in favour of the opponent. Only 3 blue candies to get a monkling, no black boxes and more blue candies than the orange ones. They need to change this level, or they will loose players. A badly designed level in an otherwise fun game
I agree he gets so much easier from the start as we not only don’t have a clear path like he does to get down as ours is blocked, his fils up with only 3 blue and there is always more blue then orange it’s crap. It says medium level but it should say you will all the time unless you are blue
It is an unfair level in favor of Larry. Nothing you can do to clear up the swirls, make the monklings and bring them down while Larry has no swirls to contend with, he gets 3 blues filled and has so many blues to work with. Not a good fun game.
Nothing you can do to clear up the swirls, make the monklings and bring them down while Larry has no swirls to contend with, he gets 3 blues filled and has so many blues to work with. Not a good fun game.
This level is not even fun to play. You have a full row of springs that block any power moves, two blocks at the bottom to crush in order to get the monklings below the rope and it takes you six orange candy pieces to make a monkling while Larry has none of these issues. I’m all for a challenge but this is ridiculous. I’m about to give up on the whole game.
That’s because they frighten think we are morons
I quit this game! This level is totally frustrating!
I’ve been stuck on this level for over a week playing multiple times per day. I googled about it yesterday but only read this page today. I literally just played the level moments ago and won!?!? Makes you think the app knew what I read when web browsing on my phone.