Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Dreamworld Level 384
Candy Crush Dreamworld Level 384 Tips
- Collect all the orders and reach 50000 points to complete the level.
- You have only 30 moves.
- Order =6 striped candy + striped candy
Dreamworld Level 384 guide and cheats:
This level have normal difficulty and you need to play with good strategy to complete this level. For this level first try to play with striped candy and try to break timebomb as soon as possible. After more special candy and use them in moon struck that you will get after 18 and 5 moves remaining. Try to play more from bottom to shuffle candies every where s you will have more chance to make special candy and don’t forget to balance the Odus owl.
Dit level is echt onmogelijk na 1 a 2 zetten valt odus al van zijn stokje, in dit level kun je hem onmogelijk in balans houden. Ik ben het al maanden aan het proberen maar wordt er erg moedeloos van.
Stuck on this level for a while, very annoying.
I want to wring Odus (or should I say Odius?) the owl’s neck. I stab him with my finger with such hatred when he falls off for the 100th time ?
Impossible been on this for weeks
Odus is too sensitive. Falls off after one move. Even if you clear the licorice and create striped candy, the whole board explodes even if two candies that don’t match drop on each other. Candies fall so you are forced to make a move that will make Odus fall. Has anyone passed it?