Candy Crush Level 6875 Tips Requirement: Clear all 69 jellies, bring dawn all ingredients and reach 160,000 points to complete the level. You have only 32 Moves. 4 [...]
Candy Crush Level 6874 Tips Requirement: Collect all the orders and Bring dawn all ingredients reach 10,000 points to complete the level. You have only 20 Moves. Order = 21 [...]
Candy Crush Level 6873 Tips Requirement: Clear all 58 jellies and reach 116,000 points to complete the level. You have only 30 Moves. Level 6873 guide and cheats: This level [...]
Candy Crush Level 6872 Tips Requirement: Collect all the orders and reach 8,000 points to complete the level. You have only 28 Moves. Order = 50 Double Chocolate Order = 33 [...]
Candy Crush Level 6871 Tips Requirement: Clear all 49 jellies, collect all the orders and reach 40,000 points to complete the level. You have only 33 Moves. Order = 14 [...]
Candy Crush Level 6870 Tips Requirement: Bring dawn all ingredients and reach 60,000 points to complete the level You have only 22 Moves. 6 ingredients Level 6870 guide and [...]
Candy Crush Level 6869 Tips Requirement: Collect all the orders and reach 5,600 points to complete the level. You have only 24 Moves. Order = 42 Liquorice Swirl Order = 22 [...]
Candy Crush Level 6868 Tips Requirement: Clear all 71 jellies and reach 50,000 points to complete the level. You have only 33 Moves. Level 6868 guide and cheats: This level [...]
Candy Crush Level 6867 Tips Requirement: Collect all the orders and Bring dawn all ingredients reach 40,000 points to complete the level. You have only 23 Moves. Order = 65 [...]
Candy Crush Level 6866 Tips Requirement: Clear all 69 jellies and reach 138,000 points to complete the level. You have only 30 Moves. Level 6866 guide and cheats: This level [...]