Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Soda Level 616

candy crush soda level 616

Candy Crush  Soda Level 616 Tips


  • Eat the honey and save the bears
  • You have only 25 moves.
  • 22  Bears

Level 616 guide and cheats:

This level has medium difficulty. For this level try to play near to blockers and more from the bottom to break the honey blockers. Make special candy as you get the chance and combine special candies with each other to break more honey blockers to save the bears. Or play near to cake as it will help to break the blockers.

Candy Crush soda Level 616 Walkthrough Video

8 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Soda Level 616

  1. Medium, my aunt Fanny. You can’t make matches when there are no matches to be made and even when you do they do almost nothing. I played one game where practically everything was a match, matching balls and every other thing and I got about 11 bears. I may not be a great player but I got this far so I’m not a total loss. Played a lot of games that seemed impossible but always won. This one is ridiculous.

  2. Ian Mccarthy // March 24, 2018 at 1:57 pm // Reply

    Two hopes on this Bob hope and no hope

  3. Dottie Dernbach // September 22, 2018 at 5:38 pm // Reply

    Making this 616 puzzle so difficult that I dont want to play it anymore.

  4. Michele M Leitner // September 26, 2018 at 6:46 am // Reply

    that was stupid.. the 2 hope thing…

  5. Omg are they for real way to hard going to delete if I can’t get through this level so frustrating

  6. You always have more moves than I do on every level!
    While the tips are somewhat helpful, it’s frustrating not to have the extra moves . When you finally get close you run out of hearts and have to wait again! Ugh frustrating beyond!

  7. I have played this level hundreds of times and it’s ridiculous.

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