Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Soda Level 1652

Candy Crush Soda Level 1652 Tips


  • Find the bears
  • You have only 30 moves.
  • 6 Bears

Soda Level 1652  guide and cheats:

This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play from top part of the board and make special candy. Combine special candies with each other or play near to remaining snow blockers to break them all.

Candy Crush soda Level 1652  Walkthrough Video

11 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Soda Level 1652

  1. Larry Cogburn // April 8, 2018 at 12:20 am // Reply

    Who’s giving the tips…Captain Obvious???

  2. I haven’t yet watched video but I know what they’ll do. First will have a perfect board, combine color bomb with round candy bomb which will be two moves away and perfectly next to each other. Then combine at least one round candy with fish or such minimum one time. These “tips” are same every level and aren’t helpful at these levels of difficulty. They’re the same videos in several links. My fish hurt my game. It’s how they try to get you to buy “boosters” and extra moves. When it’s not fun anymore, it’s time to find a new game or maybe do something productive 😂

  3. Plus it’s a different much harder board now and it’s never updated.

  4. VAN DEN BULCK // July 7, 2018 at 5:30 am // Reply

    NOT possible I try it 3 days please NOT fun anymore

  5. VAN DEN BULCK // July 9, 2018 at 5:54 pm // Reply

    I quit to mutch stress try it 6 days

  6. Been here for a few days. Need the perfect board with the little girl to pass this level. No strategy just the right board.

  7. I even used a booster and that was a waste of time.

  8. I’m done I tried to buy a booster and I tune refused my credit card. I needed one more turn to finish lrvrl. Bite me

  9. What is the FAST MOVE ?

  10. Sorry the question is what is MOVE RUSH ??

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