Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 9754
Candy Crush Level 9754 Tips
- Collect all the orders and Clear all 66 jellies reach 50,000 points to complete the level.
- You have only 35 Moves.
- Order = 48 Multilayered Icing
- Order = 69 Double Chocolate
Level 9754 guide and cheats:
This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play near to chocolates and use more striped candy. Play near to jellies with wrapped candy and use more striped candy to break the corner chocolates and jellies.
Not enough moves
35 moves my a## try 23 and impossible without boosters which I’m out of so sick that Candy Crush dipwads. These help sights are lies!!!!
Crazy hard
Here we go again. This is absolutely BS. My 23 moves to your 35, absolutely unfair. Fix it now, not later, now. Humanly impossible. CC, what an embarrassment. Absolutely no one can complete this level. Even CC couldn’t complete this level with what we are given.
Weeeer veel te weinig zetten op de video 35 ik heb er 23
Dit kan je nooit halen
Aanpassen a.u.b. Help help
Please help only 23 moves
Hi please help, impossible to complete, not enough moves
Aanpassen AUB
Only 23 moves need super lucky board thanks 😊
Don’t have all your moves
Momma please give me a lucky board appreciate it so much. Thanks
Momma can’t come close this is brutal I surly need your expertise please. Thanks
Very difficult to pass