Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 8447
Candy Crush Level 8447 Tips
- Clear all 71 jellies and Collect all the Rainbow candies and reach 222,000 points to complete the level.
- You have only 40 Moves.
- 8 Rainbow candies .
Level 8447 guide and cheats:
This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play from bottom and make special candy. Use more striped candy or play near to jellies or gums. Play near to rainbow twist to break blockers near to them.
Haha! Very funny
Haha! Very funny!
How come you actually tell me I have 40 turns? Look again ……30!
Look again you mean thing, I have 30 turns!
Thanks for your blatant lie. Look again. I have 30 turns NOT 40
Why do I have less moves but double the jellies what’s up mama 🤪
Need a lucky board mom,,,,,I don’t get 40 moves😡. Please help
Please check this level…only getting 30 moves instead of 40..thank you…
Momma please give me a lucky board I really need it. Where is my wingman I can certainly use him. Please momma. Thanks
Why do I only get a limited amount of lives per day? I can’t even use all the ones in my bank that people send me.. not fair . Stupid!
Votre démo a effacez les 71 gelées, vous n’avez que 40 mouvements. 8 bonbons arc-en-ciel.
Mon jeu a 142 gelées à effacer c’est le double avec seulement 22 coups c’est 18 coups de moins que votre démo. Impossible de réussir à l’aide, à l’aide, pouvez vous m’aider en me donnant un tableau chanceux. Très décourageant ce jeu.