Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 8309

Candy Crush Level 8309 Tips


  • Collect all the orders and Clear all 62 jellies reach 100,000 points to complete the level.
  • You have only 30 Moves.
  • Order = 149 Crystal Candy
  • Order =10 Candy Frog

Level 8309 guide and cheats:

This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play near to chocolates or from where more candies are available to play. Use more striped candy or play near to jellies to break them all within 30 moves.

Candy Crush Level 8309 Walkthrough Video

16 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 8309

  1. Not enough moves to accomplish the task.
    Posting for a lucky board

  2. Cayrel Geneviève // December 6, 2020 at 9:48 pm // Reply

    Impossible avec seulement 23 coups !
    les démos en ont 30 !
    SVP CC UN PEU DE CHANCE ! Merci !€

  3. Cayrel Geneviève // December 7, 2020 at 7:30 am // Reply

    pourquoi 23 deplacements ???
    Comment faire ????????????

  4. Kay Raymond // June 5, 2021 at 1:16 am // Reply

    Impossible -fair comment! Need at least 10 more turns – otherwise I too will quit! Players need at least a snowball’s chance in hell!

  5. Nit enough moves can I get a lucky board please

  6. Are you kidding me???? Must be a glitch in my boards bc I cannot come close for a win….no, it’s impossible for a win!!! I cannot get anywhere!!!!
    Need to send help ASAP please!! Very, very frustrating to say the least!

  7. Mom where is my wingman, I desperately need your help so would you please give me a pass for this level thanks

  8. I do not have 30 moves, mom please help me with a lucky board.

  9. Please help, I can’t get past this level.

  10. Need at least 10 more moves another bs one get real

  11. impossible for us normal players when even the video with half the jellies needed to use extra boosters

  12. Why have I got 156 jellies when requirements is only 62,I have only 28 moves. Serious help needed please ????

  13. My game is impossible to win with 94 jellies more than requirements and only 28 moves. Serious help needed please ????

  14. 156 jellies for me, requirements is only 62 jellies. That means I have 94 more jellies than requirements???????? Serious help please ????

  15. Really? Impossible I have been on this level most of the month.

  16. Claudette Deschênes // February 14, 2025 at 1:43 pm // Reply

    Mon jeu n’est plus associé avec des amis. je n’ai plus de lingots si je termine seule. Que dois-je faire pour retrouver les amis avec qui je joue?

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