Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 7885
Candy Crush Level 7885 Tips
- Clear all 40 jellies, bring dawn all ingredients and reach 86,000 points to complete the level.
- You have only 24 Moves.
- 1ingredients
Level 7885 guide and cheats:
This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play near to blockers or from where more candies are available to play. Use more striped candy or combine striped candy with other special candy to move the ingredients.
Please help
Need help mom to pass this hard level soon mom
Mom please give me a lucky board I can’t even come close. It is stressing me out but I suppose to relax. Need your expertise please. Thanks
80 jellies for me 40 jellies for requirements, help please
Apparently you can’t win this without 3 boosters. I have no boosters left. Please help me mom… this is my second request.
Seems impossible. I have 80 jellies. Used extra moves but still can’t pass this level.