Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 6699

Candy Crush Level 6699 Tips


  • Collect all the orders and Clear all 72 jellies  reach 145,200 points to complete the level.
  • You have only 18 Moves.
  • Order = 35 Double Chocolate
  • Order = 27 Liquorice Swirl

Level 6699 guide and cheats:

This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play near to blockers or from bottom to shuffle the candies. Make special candy or play near to jellies. Use more striped candy or play near to jellies to break them all within 18 moves.

Candy Crush Level 6699 Walkthrough Video

14 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 6699

  1. Co to je za debilitu?

  2. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid

  3. Here we go again. Can’t be done without more moves and boosters. Can’t even get close. Unfair. Boring. Very sad and disappointing. Incompetence is running rampant again at CC. It’s like a broken record with CC. Maybe, one day CC will get their act together. What a total waste of time.

  4. I have Double the amount of jellies to clear than YOU,mama

  5. Get real this is stupid

  6. You can stick this where the sun don’t shine totally stupid up yours sideways

  7. Denise Caleffie Hawthorne // August 10, 2022 at 11:47 am // Reply

    Well – this one ranks in the top 3 of most ridiculous levels EVER. Impossible without using all boosters available and I’m not sure it’s possible even with extra 35 moves. Y’all sure know how to make playing miserable. Thanks King.

  8. MICHAEL T SMITH // August 17, 2022 at 1:13 pm // Reply

    Why do I have to clear more than you 🙃

  9. Again I have to clear more jellies than you. Impossible to complete without more moves and boosters. Why do you do this please help!

  10. Claudette Deschênes // April 18, 2024 at 11:41 am // Reply

    Votre démo a 134 ingrédients à effacer avec 18 coups, mon jeu a 221 ingrédients à effacer avec 26 coups. Mon jeu a presque le double de gelées avec seulement 8 coups de plus, IMPOSSIBLE pour moi de réussir, très décourageant ce niveau, à l’aide, à l’aide svp. MERCI!

  11. This is impossible and frustrating fun has gone from this game now double your jellies can not be done please fix I have had enough now

  12. This is impossible. I have 26 moves to clear 141 jelly 36 licorice swirls and 45 triple peppermints. The whole board is blocked in candy cane rails that keeps the combos from reaching out far enough to get the keys to unlock the board the rails that do unravel are blocked by the locked up boxes and I can’t get the keys. The frog can move but gets trapped in the cane square that doesn’t feed him so I can’t move him anyy
    No boosters work. They are blank black screens. The ads are for an extra two moves and not worth my time. They are also one minute long and Spanish so definitely useless
    This is BS and needs to be fixed

  13. If you have 26 moves, which is what I have, I’m sure you can pass this level. If you don’t have that many you will have to build a lot of the extra help things, like the lollipop, color bombs, fish, wheels, switches, etc.

    I did get down to needing to two clear squares. I don’t normally watch the videos of others playing games, but on this level I would advise you to. Learning how to get the frog to move left to right to different boards is key,, in addition to cleaning everything else that is required. I was playing this game many time and could only clear the one board on the bottom and some from the top board. Again, watch the videos
    You also need to make some matches , after another bottom board is broken with a frog or possibly a color bomb, that will eliminate candies on the 2nd and 3rd bottom.
    I don’t know if I did a decent job explaining, but remember I’m still trying to pass this level.
    Be encouraged

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