Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 662
Candy Crush Level 662 Tips
- Collect all the orders and reach 10000 points to complete the level.
- You have only 30 moves.
- Order = 50 Green candy
- Order = 50 Orange candy
- Order = 50 Red candy
Level 662 guide and cheats:
This level has easy difficulty and you need to use good technique to complete this level. For this level you should try to play near to blockers to break them so you will have more candies to play. Then try to make colorbomb and break with green or other candies. As you will use colorbomb with any candy then you will have more other same color candies and will give more chance to make colorbomb. Try to play more with order candies to complete the order.
For a start you don’t get 30 lives only 14 try doing again 14 lives
14 lives that’s it.
I have looked through a number of sites and they all show 30 moves. 14 moves is not enough and it is not even half the moves. Why change from 30 to 14? Looks like this may be the end of my Candy Crush enjoyment.
Only 14 moves on level 662 can’t be done
Håller med! Tänkte precis detsamma. Går aldrig med så få drag.
Stuck with just 14 moves,all these tips with 30 moves must be playing a different game.
Yep. Only 14 moves available…impossible.
Why don’t I get 30 moves like it says this happens all the time you cheat players out of moves impossible
Only have 14 moves that’s less than half of what it says says30 why does this keep happening it’s unfair to players and very aggravating and annoying this is suppose to be funandrelaxing ha ha
Guess I’m done for awhile impossible to beat level when get cheated out of more than half the moves and you don’t care no fun anymore
14 moves for level 662 is ridiculous!!
My level 662 is different from the ones posted here.