Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 6542

Candy Crush Level 6542 Tips


  • Collect all the orders and Bring dawn all ingredients reach 60,000 points to complete the level.
  • You have only 26 Moves.
  • Order =  100 Sugar Coat
  • 5 ingredients

Level 6542 guide and cheats:

This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play near to blockers and candies. Make special candy and use more striped candy to move the ingredients to move them and take them out from the board.

Candy Crush Level 6542 Walkthrough Video

13 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 6542

  1. Elizabeth Rodger // August 14, 2020 at 1:12 pm // Reply

    Help difficult level!!

  2. I need help with this level please

  3. Can’t be done without more moves and boosters. Humanly impossible. Unfair and shameful. Very sad and disappointing. Boring.

  4. DianA Berns // August 3, 2021 at 4:59 pm // Reply

    Help, this is a very unfair level. I expect the levels to get harder but not impossible. Not enough moves, really can not spend any more money, my pension will not allow it. PLEASE HELP ME.

  5. Suzanne S Meara // August 19, 2021 at 12:41 pm // Reply

    Not having any luck! Posting for a lucky board!

  6. How do you beat this level? Having such a hard time. Please help!!!

  7. HELP. I can’t get anywhere with this level no matter what I try. Impossible Ridiculous Frustrating. Your tips and video do not help. Need a lucky board. Saga keeps getting worse. No longer FUN. Need to stop playing.

  8. HELP. I can’t get anywhere with this level no matter what I try. Impossible Ridiculous Frustrating. Your tips and video do not help. Need a lucky board. Saga keeps getting worse. No longer FUN. Need to stop playing. 2ND COMMENT ENTRY SEEMS LIKE MY COMMENTS ARE NEVER POSTED OR READ. I’M WASTING MY TIME WITH MY COMMENTS

  9. HELP. I can’t get anywhere with this level no matter what I try. Impossible Ridiculous Frustrating. Your tips and video do not help. Need a lucky board. Saga keeps getting worse. No longer FUN. Need to stop playing. 2ND COMMENT ENTRY SEEMS LIKE MY COMMENTS ARE NEVER POSTED OR READ. I’M WASTING MY TIME WITH MY COMMENTS THANKS FOR THE LUCKY BOARD

  10. Impossible level. PLEASE HELP.

  11. Sandra K. Cole // November 25, 2023 at 2:57 pm // Reply

    You say above the requirement is 100 sugar coated jellies. The video hardly has any; it’s a variety of waffles, icing, popcorn, etc. My board is all Sugar coated jellies (I call them ribboned jellies) on top and all waffles below. All take more hits than your board. I don’t even come close to winning this level. I am asking for a lucky “MIRACLE BOARD” soon to help me pass this level. I will NEVER pass it on my own. THANK YOU

  12. Claudette Deschênes // April 1, 2024 at 1:15 pm // Reply

    Niveau impossible à réussir à l’aide, à l’aide Pouvez vous m’aider en me donnant un tableau chanceux svp. MERCI!

  13. Another rigged board. I have the right amount of moves and tasks but the tasks are different. I have to clear 100 pink jacket jelly and 5 dragons. The color combos don’t line up to work. They don’t drop the dragons soon enough. Boosters are a joke. It’s only adding 3 moves or ads are over a minute long. Not worth my time
    Fix this

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