Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 6297

Candy Crush Level 6297 Tips


  • Clear all 36 jellies and reach 75,000 points to complete the level.
  • You have only 26 Moves.

Level 6297 guide and cheats:

This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play near to blockers and jellies. Make special candy and combine them with each other or play near to jellies to break them all.

Candy Crush Level 6297 Walkthrough Video

10 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 6297

  1. Carol Malvis // April 4, 2021 at 4:14 am // Reply

    I need 72 jellies. Please help

  2. Please help

  3. Why have I got 72 jellies? Requirements is only 36, help please

  4. To many jellies, not enough moves, to many obstacles, can’t get near bottom of board, requirements is only 36 jellies I’ve got 72 just used all my moves, still wanted 72 jellies????, SERIOUS HELP NEEDED PLEASE

  5. Help Help Help, 72 jellies and only 26 moves, requirements is only 36 jellies and 26 moves, unable to reach bottom of board, to many obstacles, not enough striped candy, serious help needed please

  6. Fix your game!!!!!

  7. I have 72 jellies in only 26 moves.
    This is not good for relieving stress!!
    The very least post a video succeeding with 72 not 34

  8. Sandra K. Cole // April 6, 2023 at 11:56 am // Reply

    I have a 72 jelly rrquirement; not 36 like yours. I can’t get the time bombs soon enough and have to start over and over. I can’t get to the bottom of the board to remove cake bombs. I AM REQUESTING A LUCKY “MIRACLE BOARD” SOON TO HELP ME PASS THIS LEVEL. I DON’T EVEN COME CLOSE TO PASSING THIS LEVEL ON MY OWN. AGAIN, PLEASE HELP ME SOON. THANK YOU

  9. OMG. Another stupid Impossible Ridiculous Frustrating level with the wrong number of jellies. I have 72 jellies you only have 36 jellies. That’s double. This happens too often and needs to be fixed. Your tips and video do not help. Bombs come up with only 7 moves. Seems like I’m not the only one with this problem. Need a lucky board to pass this level.

  10. Mom please help. Going insane… only 26 moves ????????????????

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