Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 4578

Candy Crush Level 4578 Tips


  • Bring dawn all ingredients and reach 60,000 points to complete the level
  • You have only 25 Moves.
  • 4 ingredients

Level 4578 guide and cheats:

This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play from bottom part of the board and make special candy. Combine them with each other to move the ingredients and take them out from the board.

Candy Crush Level 4578 Walkthrough Video

34 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 4578

  1. Kay Raymond // April 28, 2019 at 6:19 am // Reply


  2. This is impossible! My board spits a lot of licorice and yours does not?

  3. paula lorentz // August 27, 2019 at 1:37 pm // Reply

    Please help

  4. I think this impossible. I can’t even get 1 cherry. Please help

  5. Nancy Newport // May 31, 2020 at 11:49 pm // Reply

    Impossible, not able to get one heart down and no other cherries have started down. Please help.

  6. Please help. I have been on this for several days. There is no way to win this. It is no fun. Please help

  7. Been on this board for days, impossible for me. Tired of the frustration, Candy Crush not enjoyable any more!

  8. My board isn’t working like your board, could really use some help!

  9. Please help, can’t be done!!!
    HELP! Thank you!

  10. Help, Can’t be done, help please, Thank you!!!

  11. The last cherry never appeared.
    I should have taken a screen shot

  12. This is bullchyt, I get 14 move candy crush sux

    • First of all we get 14 moves , there are 9 double or triple block. It really is impossible..not enough moves to break all the cakes🤔 another $$akers

  13. I need help please. I only have 14 moves and this is an impossible level.

  14. Irene Bottomley // July 12, 2021 at 9:24 am // Reply

    My board is different as only 14 moves and one cherry. I would say that it is impossible.

  15. Impossible. I have 14 moves. Cannot even move the cherry from its place. Please fix this

  16. I only have 14 moves as well. This does seem impossible 😕

  17. Different board I only have 14 moves and 1 cherry. Impossible! Please help

  18. I wish these would be updated now that they’ve made the boards harder; definitely only 14 moves and a cherry.

  19. 14 moves !!! Your post is wrong – this is sooo BORING

  20. Zaibunnisa Kajee // March 13, 2022 at 6:54 am // Reply

    Very frustrating and irritating. I play for relaxation. But this is definitely not. Even with boosters, no luck. Help!

  21. About to quit candy crush this leaves is impossible!!!

  22. Audra Williams // July 3, 2022 at 11:45 pm // Reply

    Need help. My board is different than yours and I only have 14 moves. Impossible to complete. Need help..

  23. Audra williams // July 5, 2022 at 12:47 pm // Reply

    This level is impossible with only 14 moves. Need help please …

  24. This level is so boring and impossible to beat asking for a lucky board so I can move on please

  25. 14 moves that’s crap help mom

  26. 14 moves against your 25! Sure you got but 14 moves impossible !!! I give up! Scamming people to buy moves! Not cool!

  27. My board is completely different i only hae 14 moves to get one dragon but the board is full of toffee swirls and licorice. Not enough moves to get through all the blockers. Will you fix this please impossible otherwise. Thanks

  28. Different board need help more moves please

  29. I agree with all the above, this is bull****
    There are too many other games to choose from.
    I am not going to play candy crush ever again

  30. There’s a BIG DIFFERENCE between your 25 moves and my 14!!!! Please fix this HUGE discrepancy!!

  31. 2nd comment
    I DO NOT have 25 moves.
    Only 14 and nowhere near enough to pass this impossi level.

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