Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 4200

Candy Crush Level 4200 Tips


  • Collect all the orders and Clear all 55 jellies reach 120,000 points to complete the level.
  • You have only 30 Moves.
  • Order =  3 Pop Corn
  • Order = 30 Waffles

Level 4200 guide and cheats:

This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play from bottom to shuffle the candies and make special candy. Combine them with each other and use more striped candy to break the right part of the blockers.

Candy Crush Level 4200 Walkthrough Video

12 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 4200

  1. again only 25 moves , you had 30 moves , please adjust j

  2. Level states 30 moves I only have 25 getting nowhere near to completing this level 😩

  3. Level 4200 is impossible to clear in 25 moves there are in utube 30 moves please help me

  4. Same as the other comments I’ve only got 25 moves & I can occasionally complete removing the jellys & even clearing the popcorn but I’ve come no close to getting 30 waffles. Please help!!!!!

  5. Here we go again! I only have 25 moves? Please fix.

  6. paula lorentz // April 26, 2019 at 1:57 pm // Reply

    Need more moves

  7. diana Berns // June 1, 2019 at 10:18 pm // Reply

    25 moves not 30. Time to give up. Playing the same level again and again and getting nowhere is just boring. Please help with this level.

  8. Why is this happening ? Two levels in a row? And it’s us probably the 50th time!! I only have 25 moves!!!

  9. Sandra K. Cole // September 16, 2019 at 1:31 am // Reply

    This may be a 2nd request. I don’t remember because it seems like I am short (or different) almost every level and I spend as much time sending you messages as I do playing. So, I’m short 5 moves; I only have 25. I’m able to get the popcorn but not often. I have never even come close to getting the 30 waffles and I doubt I can if I have the proper 30 moves. I’m asking for a “MIRACLE BOARD” to help me pass this level. PLEASE HELP ME SOON. THANK YOU

  10. Same as above. This is a very hard level. I have got down to only needing 6 waffles. The extra 5 moves may have helped.

  11. Grr 25 moves vs 30😳

  12. Claudette Deschênes // November 17, 2022 at 11:53 pm // Reply

    Effacez les 55 gelée Vous n’avez que 30 coups.
    NONJ NON j’ai 101 gelées et seulement 27 coups comment réussir ce jeu avec si peu de coups. J’ai besoin d’aide svp.

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