Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 3686

Candy Crush Level 3686 Tips


  • Clear all 59 jellies and reach 60,000 points to complete the level.
  • You have only 35 Moves.

Level 3686 guide and cheats:

This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play near to chocolates and blockers. Make special candy and combine them with each other to break more jellies.

Candy Crush Level 3686 Walkthrough Video

25 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 3686

  1. The usual crappola- this has 35 trues mine only had 22

  2. My game only 22 moves. Please fix

  3. Dit is niet normaal op de video 35 ik heb 22 zetten dit is nooit te halen
    A.u.b. Aanpassen

  4. Laura Watson // October 5, 2018 at 2:30 pm // Reply

    I only get 22 tries to win this difficult level. Video shows 35. What’s up with that. Fix this, Candy Crush!

  5. Only 22 moves as well, impossible.

  6. 22 moves only, would appreciate your help.Thanks.

  7. Crap level… Just as well I’ve interest lost in cc. Yes only 22 moves.. Time to delete all

  8. Kathy pierson // November 7, 2018 at 10:31 am // Reply

    22 moves not going to work

  9. OK King tired of playing this level you haven’t given me a decent board in days now! Come on I need some HELP!

  10. I don’t have 35 moves, help

  11. finding impossible to get past never endig licorice at the bottom

  12. Nancy Newport // July 23, 2019 at 11:04 am // Reply

    Not enough moves and need the perfect board. Help

  13. MICHAEL T SMITH // July 28, 2019 at 10:00 pm // Reply

    I don’t have 35 moves,help

  14. MICHAEL T SMITH // July 29, 2019 at 12:41 pm // Reply

    I only have 22 moves !!

  15. Only got 22 moves

  16. Yes mom pls help to pass this hard level soon.

  17. Tried many times fed up mom pls help to pass this level soon

  18. I only have 22 moves as well…Please Help 🙁

  19. I only have 22 moves.

  20. Help! Only 22 moves. Thanks!

  21. 22 moves to break 102 jellies????? Are you serious!! It would be hard without the licorice impossible with it

  22. Jill Huggins // April 4, 2021 at 11:19 pm // Reply

    Why do i only have 22 moves??

  23. Why on every level now I get a lot less moves than I should. This time only 22 instead of 35. I’m about ready to quit playing CC.

  24. 22 moves to clear 102 jellies. Here we go again!

  25. How do you get past the licorice??

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