Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 3372

Candy Crush Level 3372 Tips


  • Clear all 74 jellies and reach 32,000 points to complete the level.
  • You have only 22 Moves.

Level 3372 guide and cheats:

This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play near to blockers and make special candy. Combine them with each other or play near to jellies to break them all.

Candy Crush Level 3372 Walkthrough Video

15 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 3372

  1. This is impossible with 20 moves please help

  2. HELP only 20 moves this is impossible to pass
    Come on King you’re having a laugh now.
    Not buying any boosters it’s a joke.

  3. HELP me Too only 20 moves how is this possible
    Has anyone even done this yet?

  4. Come on candy crush this is ridiculously hard level. Even with boosters I can’t get anywhere near completing the level. Please do something to make it a little easier to pass.

  5. this is the longest i have been stuck on a level! so frustrating

    i am haven’t even gotten close to completing it

  6. Weer veel te hard, een beetje aanpassen aub

  7. Agnes Power // June 8, 2018 at 2:17 pm // Reply

    Posting for luck and a lucky board

  8. Not enough moves! This level is extremely difficult.

  9. 20moves and my licorice blockers are 3 levels deep. What you show is so much easier. Not fair at all. If you are going to post then at least let’s see you do mine

  10. Walkthrough does not look 👀 like mine

  11. My 30 moves should be plenty but I have licorice blockers that are 3 levels deep. What you show is so much easier. Not fair at all. If you are going to post then at least let’s see an example of mine😳

  12. Zou dit level aangepast kunnen worden want dit level is niet te halen , Please Help, Thank You !!!!!!!!

  13. Please Help, dit level is niet te halen , Thanks !!!!!!!!

  14. need a lucky board please, very difficult

  15. Not the same board as I have, my licorice blockers are 3 levels deep, and when aren’t strip candy only clears one at a time.
    It would be nice to see the same board not one much easier and still give easy board high level of difficulty

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