Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 11404
Candy Crush Level 11404 Tips
- Clear all 79 jellies and reach 144,000 points to complete the level.
- You have only 20 Moves.
Level 11404 guide and cheats:
This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play near to grill and jellies. Play with wrapped candy and use more striped candy to break the corner jellies that are around the corner.
Help me need more moves or a lucky board please
Not enough moves! Posting for luck – again!
Absolutely IMPOSSIBLE! But then ‘Fair’ isn’t a word in the vocabulary of Candy Crush makers
If I had 3 Lanzars and all those freckles and treats I could get through too!
I only have 25 moves
Posting for a lucky board please…very difficult to complete please help
Impossible to beat this level with only 25 moves. Please help
OMG impossible level to beat with only 25 moves. Please help!!!!
Weer minder zetten en op de video moeten wel veel boosters gebruikt worden. Onmogelijk om te doen zonder????
Veel te weinig zetten onmogelijk
Om dit level te halen
Help help help
How many bonuses did you use though. I have none so impossible to get through
In the video there is 31 moves they are only giving me 21 moves money grabbing …….
Need a lucky board
144 jellies and only 21 moves, this game is impossible and ridiculous to win. Serious help needed please 🙏 THANK you in advance 🙏
As I have 13 moves less than the video, and 65 jellies more than requirements and only 21 moves where is the help I requested please 🙏
This game is unwinnable with only 21 moves. Can’t reach bottom of board. HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP 🙏
This game owes me 13 moves to be equal with the video. I only have 21 moves the has 34 moves??????? Serious help needed please 🙏 THANK you in advance 🙏
this level appears to be designed for getting players as it cant be done without multiple boosters (which mist of us do not have)