Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 10642
Candy Crush Level 10642 Tips
- Collect all the orders and Clear all 69 jellies reach 50,000 points to complete the level.
- You have only 30 Moves.
- Order = 5 Candy Forg
Level 10642 guide and cheats:
This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play from middle and make special candy. Use more striped candy or play with wrapped candy near to jellies to break them all.
Absolutely a nightmare! Doesn’t help when one’s eyesight is not good. Quite discriminatory! Hey but I’ve mentioned that so many times. You really don’t care do you!
Ty potrate,jdi do prdele ty debile s takovou stupiditou! Pridej tahy demente!
Niet te halen dit level veel te weinig zetten
Help help help a.u.b!!!!
Weer een andere video met meer zetten en minder blokkers🙁
Zeer moeilijke levels kunnen zo niet gehaald worden tenzij je vele levens spendeert, dagen bezig bent om de 35 extra zetten te halen, die je dan moet kopen met goudstaven.
Wat is het nut om 200 levens te hebben als de limiet 20 te gebruiken levens per dag is🤔
Impossible to beat with only 23 moves. Please help!!!!
My level is different than yours. I do not have the frog on my level. Lucky board please
Not the same board as you. Lucky board please