Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 10021

Candy Crush Level 10021 Tips


  • Collect all the Rainbow candies, bring dawn all ingredients and reach 30,000 points to complete the level.
  • You have only 30 Moves.
  • 2 ingredients
  • 7 Rainbow candies .

Level 10021 guide and cheats:

This level has hard difficulty. For this level try to play from bottom to shuffle the candies and make special candy. Use more striped candy or play near to ingredients to move them. You can use more wrapped candy near to rainbow candy to break them.

Candy Crush Level 10021 Walkthrough Video

36 Comments on Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 10021

  1. Elizabeth Rodger // September 4, 2021 at 5:31 pm // Reply

    This level is not the same as mine and I only have 21 moves instead of 30 Please fix or send me a lucky board!!

  2. They took away moves, and changed the board! Posting for luck! So frustrating!

  3. Is this even the same sport as the current board?

  4. My entire board is covered in sugar coats with 21 moves. Impossible!!

  5. Moves are down to 21 is there a video winning with that many moves posting for a real lucky board thanks

  6. Stupid stupid people who program this it’s supposed to be fun not frustrating. 120tries with using lives etc not even close

  7. I bet, if I had 9 more moves like the demo, I could beat this level. Absolutely no one can complete this level with what we are given. CC, prove me wrong!

  8. I guess I will just have to wait days and days for CC to give me a very very lucky board. There is no way I’m paying money to CC for gold or extra boosters.

  9. Impossible with only 21 moves please help

  10. I only have 21 moves too! There is cheating.

  11. Wrong number of moves. News help!

  12. Kay Raymond // March 27, 2022 at 6:45 am // Reply

    Funny how you can’t do Maths! I would give you a FAIL! I have 21 turns while you tell me I have 30 turns! You make me very cross & frustrated!

  13. Veel te weinig zetten ik heb er maar 21 op de video 30
    Dit level haal je nooit
    Aanpassen aub help help help help

  14. Niet te halen dit level veel te weinig zetten!!
    Aanpassen aub help help help

  15. Have yet to get close, help please

  16. Betty Khoo // May 19, 2022 at 9:55 am // Reply

    Level 10021. Another impossible level to complete, simply not enough moves. Lucky board please Mr King. Thank you.

  17. paula lorentz // August 11, 2022 at 3:08 pm // Reply

    Need moves

  18. Aanpassen help AUB

  19. Niet te halen dit level
    Veel te weinig zetten ik heb er maar 21
    Help help help !

  20. Dit level haal je nooit veel te weinig zetten
    Ik heb er maar 21 op de video 30
    Alles al verspeeld
    Help help help

  21. Help nu eens al 80 maal gespeeld met 7 zetten tekort niet te halen aanpassen AUB

  22. Mom every time I can get a good move it just goes so please fix for me. I can only move mostly 3 at a time.. appreciate your help thanks

  23. Mom so frustrated doing well on level this time but on both sides number 6 stayed didn’t go down. This is Brutal level. Please help

  24. Very appreciative

  25. Need help to pass this hard level soon mom

  26. Tried, tried, tried. Asking fir help!!

  27. Even I have only 20 moves and it is covered with the sugar coated candies

  28. Even my board is covered with sugar coated candies and i only have 20 moves

  29. Este jogo é uma farsa, reduziram os movimentos para ridículos 20 movimentos, e cobriram os doces com camadas de açúcar. Quadrilha de estelionatários. Melhor opção é deletar esta merda, existem jogos melhores, inteligentes e honestos.

  30. Movimentos reduzidos e dificuldade aumentada, isto é justo?? Este jogo é uma fraude, manipulam os movimentos para vender reforços, quadrilha de estelionatários. Melhor opção é deletar esta merda.

  31. Isto aqui é uma farsa. Quadrilha de estelionatários.

  32. I have been trying to win this game for week. i can’t even get close. Noticed the demo gets 30moves. I only get 20! Help!

  33. This level is different to the demo.
    Impossible with so few moves.
    I am done. Used a lot of my boosters and still no luck.Thanks for the game but now it is time to unistall

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