Candy Crush Level 5450 Tips Requirement: Collect all the orders and Clear all 65 jellies reach 40,000 points to complete the level. You have only 25 Moves. Order = 20 [...]
Candy Crush Level 5449 Tips Requirement: Clear all 53 jellies, bring dawn all ingredients and reach 75,000 points to complete the level. You have only 30 Moves. 4 ingredients [...]
Candy Crush Level 5448 Tips Requirement: Collect all the orders and reach 15,000 points to complete the level. You have only 20 Moves. Order = 45 Waffles Order = 10 Stripped [...]
Candy Crush Level 5447 Tips Requirement: Bring dawn all ingredients and reach 40,000 points to complete the level You have only 20 Moves. 4 ingredients Level 5447 guide and [...]
Candy Crush Level 5446 Tips Requirement: Clear all 37 jellies and reach 74,000 points to complete the level. You have only 25 Moves. Level 5446 guide and cheats: This level [...]
Candy Crush Level 5445 Tips Requirement: Collect all the orders and Clear all 66 jellies reach 140,000 points to complete the level. You have only 20 Moves. Order = 40 [...]
Candy Crush Level 5444 Tips Requirement: Clear all 60 jellies, bring dawn all ingredients and reach 40,000 points to complete the level. You have only 20 Moves. 4 ingredients [...]
Candy Crush Level 5443 Tips Requirement: Collect all the orders and reach 18,000 points to complete the level. You have only 28 Moves. Order = 75 Red Candy Level 5443 guide [...]
Candy Crush Level 5442 Tips Requirement: Bring dawn all ingredients and reach 90,000 points to complete the level You have only 35 Moves. 9 ingredients Level 5442 guide and [...]
Candy Crush Level 5441 Tips Requirement: Clear all 37 jellies and reach 37,000 points to complete the level. You have only 29 Moves. Level 5441 guide and cheats: This level [...]