Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Soda Level 40
Candy Crush Soda Level 40 Tips
- Find the bears
- You have only 50 moves.
- 7 Bears
Level 40 guide and cheats:
This level have normal difficulty and you need to use good strategy to complete this level. For this level you should try to play from the bottom as it will shuffle candies everywhere and will give the chance to make special candies like colorbomb by combining five same color candies. After try to break the snow as you get the chance to find the bear and play more near to snow to break them without wasting the moves. Use special combos to break all snow fast within less moves to get more score at the end.
This level seems different to your game. It has 8 bears now and the first pink line is now the orange one.
I meant 6 bears…. still hard to do :/