Tips and Walkthrough: Candy Crush Level 3

candy crush level 3

Candy Crush Level 3 Tips


  • You need to reach 400 points to clear the level.
  • You have only 18  moves.

Level 3 guide and cheats:

You might be bored to play this level as it almost same to previous level 2 or might be you still not addicted to this game and doesn’t  have frustration to check next level but you could still learn some new techniques to score some more sweet points. As you know you that you can break 3 whole lines by matching striped and wrapped candies or if you still don’t know then you could see in screenshot below. You still not satisfied and need more sweet candies and want to know one more trick that we played in a walkthrough video, that if  you match wrapped candy(which you can get by making ‘L’ or ‘T’ ) with same color normal candy that will make small blast and break 3*3 candies twice.

You could see a big bomb that eat 3 rows and 3 columns sweets by matching wrapped candy with striped candy.



wrapped candy plus normal-candy
If you match wrapped candy with normal same color candy, then it make small bomb which eat candies 3 * 3 two times.

Candy Crush Level 3 Walkthrough Video

We needed only 4000 points with 18 moves but we scored so big by making surprise move like combining striped candy with wrapped candy and use few other tricks that you could watch in a video.

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